Why choose a CEREC crown? Consider these advantages.

CEREC helps improve the patient experience. It removes the need for uncomfortable impression trays or annoying temporary restorations and replaces them with a convenient same-day service. One that delivers the sort of precise-fitting, natural-looking restorations. 

  • Don't wait weeks or months. Walk into the dentist's office and walk out the same day with your new CEREC, METAL FREE crown
  • We use computer-aided design (CAD) and manufacturing (CAM) to capture digital images of your tooth and crown to design a crown ready for installing all in the office
  • Great appearance
  • Natural look that resembles the surrounding teeth since there is no metal or dark core to interrupt the reflection of light

Before and After

10DaySmiles is established to offer a quicker way of creating smiles through CEREC technology. It focuses mainly on single crowns and veneers. With minimum of four to six anterior crowns or veneers, we can quickly design and create smiles in just one visit.


Complex restorations may take more than 10 days to finish. 

If crowns or veneers  cases are started late in the day, may have to be finished the next day or later depending on the complexity of the case 

A third party lab may be used to finished a complex case and this may take longer than 10 days. 

One Hour. One Visit.

We’re excited to offer Dentistry Powered by CEREC in our office—because it makes custom crowns, inlays, onlays, and veneers easier than ever for you. In just one visit using this advanced technology, we can prepare your tooth, then make the dental restoration right in our office in about one hour. No messy impressions, no temporary crowns, and no long wait for your permanent restoration. Just a healthier smile in less time.

Step 1. Imaging

We capture an image of your tooth with a digital scanner.

Step 2. 3D Modeling

A 3D model of your teeth and your new restoration is created on the computer.

Step 3. Case Presentation

Step 4. Scheduling Appointment

Step 5. Fabrication

The restoration is then fabricated from a ceramic block on our milling machine, right in our office.

Step 6. Placement

The dentist places the custom-fit restoration a short time later, during the same visit.

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